Determination of comparative advantage of pistachio, walnut and almond products in Kerman province.


Comparative advantage is one of the important economic criterions in production, import and export programming. Kerman province is one of the main sectors of production of horticultural crops. By strengthening production and export of various products, the province can be a powerful presence in the international trade. In this study, multistage cluster sampling method was used for sampling and questioning. Gardeners covered a sample of the population centers were selected based on the method, 54 pistachio producers, 42 almond producer and 38 walnut producers were selected. Using the collected data to evaluate the comparative advantage of producing pistachio, walnut and almond crops in the 2009-2010 year in Kerman province by domestic relative cost index and policy analysis matrix. Considering the DRC that for pistachio, walnuts, almonds, respectively, 0.45, 0.6 and 0.27 respectively, the production of these products have a comparative advantage, in accordance with the classification criteria DRC to the production of almonds, pistachios and walnuts must be prioritized. The nominal support coefficient for input was calculated for all products smaller than one, the nominal support coefficient for input was calculated for all products smaller than one, Based on the results of policy analysis matrices in the domestic market conditions, market profits have been observed for the manufacturers of the products concerned, and resources have been used efficiently in the production of products. Production costs are one of the most important factors affecting the comparative advantages of the products. In order to reduce them, it is necessary to optimize the use of inputs and to use new technologies in the field of planting and harvesting.Considering the comparative advantage of pistachio, walnut and almond products, recommended to developing crop production. One of the main obstacles is the introduction of scarce water, and the logical solution to this problem is the use of advanced irrigation systems, reducing water consumption and increasing water efficiency. In addition, along with the development of cultivation, government policies do not indirectly reduce domestic prices and the product can maintain its profitability and relative advantage. 
